Tips To Help Candle Making Beginners

Making candles is an exciting and challenging task. As you wait to see your candle perform, it is exciting to light the wick of your first handmade candle.

Did the top work as you expected it to? Is your wick centered? How strong is your scent? Your newly-made candle is here to help you answer them.

We could also share tips and tricks to make your candle making easier and less stressful. Here are great tips :

  • Keep track of your journey.
  • Perfumes are not as expensive as you might think.
  • Each fragrance oil’s cold and hot throws can differ greatly

1. Keep Track Of Your Journey

Science is what makes candles perform well. To achieve the same result every time, you must do the same thing every time. More importantly, however, you must be able to identify what works.

Keep a record of each pour and every test burn. There are a few things you need to remember when pouring.

  • Date and time
  • Wax type
  • Fragrance type
  • Size of Wick
  • Glass size
  • Ambience in the Room

The maximum melting point of wax (refer to the manufacturer’s instructions as each wax is different, so don’t heat any higher than it needs).

  • Add some fragrance to your ambience
  • You should tempt yourself to pour the candle/s
  • The fragrance used at %

It can be used with any wax type. Print out a few sheets to keep handy when you’re making candles or testing them.

2. Perfumes Are Not As Expensive As You Might Think

It seems pretty simple. You get more fragrance, which means you have a better scent throw. It is difficult to combine wax and fragrance because there are so many variables. Testing is essential.

Some fragrance oils can be stronger than others and do not require much. Other fragrance oils may need more but will not have the same intensity.

We recommend you check out our page for more information about each wax’s fragrance tolerance.

Testing fragrance oil percentages and pour temperatures will affect the hot throw in your candle. It is a much better way to invest your time than just adding more fragrance oil.

3.  For Each Oil, The Cold Throw And The Hot Throw Can Be Very Different

Cold throw is the fragrance that your candle emits when it’s not lit. Hot throw is the fragrance that the candle emits when it’s lit.

Each can give you a very different experience. Another reason candle testing is so important is that it allows you to compare the results.

Base, middle, top and bottom notes will all shine through at varying times and intensities. Remember that customers will initially smell your candles through the cold throw. They’ll then be able to take the hot throw home with them.

The hot throw is often the most complex scent and is where you will experience the full fragrance. It’s okay to experiment with fragrances you aren’t familiar with “out of the bottles”, as the fragrance will change from hot throw to cold throw.